How a glass of live-giving liquid is becoming an information copy of medical substance?

The newest technological miracle – IC information copies

Bulgaria is the home of the springing water in the world!

Bulgaria to become Wellness centre of Europe - in the base of this project is situated the fact that 45% of the flow rate of mineral water in the world is on the territory of our country; despite we are using only 2% of this flow. Huge opportunity to use properly Bulgarian natural wealth is giving the IC technology. Through this innovative technology people could heal themselves via information copies of medical substances, transmitted in human organism through water but without side effects.

“IC technology is relies on ultra-low electromagnet irradiance of all substances, subjects and biological objects. This phenomenon was discovered a hundred years ago. It is known that background irradiance carries the information for the object itself. The new thing in this case is that it can be transmitted to any place of the globe via internet technologies and all communication connections.” – explains Eng. Evgeniy Germanov, head of the international charitable organization – Fund DST, engaged with tracing the path of scientific innovations to global markets.

Author of the technology of transfer of ultra-low electromagnet irradiances of BAS (biologically active substances) is the Soviet Radio physic Marc Greenstain. Despite his reduced eyesight, practically he was almost blind; he works for long time in the secret laboratories of USSR. In 1990 he leaves Russia and emigrates in Israel , where he meets the inventor Mykhailo Shraibman who created device capable to register the human organism reactions to electromagnet irradiances. Greenstain and Shraibman are the creators of the technology for transfer of information copies of medicaments via electric communication networks and in 2009 they offer it to DST Fund for practical application.
Scientists from all around the world are working on this technology. They are united by the Institute for Risk researches established by prof. Jeffry Polak. The institute is financing unusual researches with revolutionary character, which wouldn`t have a chance in the conservative science communities.

Every year in Bulgaria is held International science conference “Physics, Chemistry and Biology of the water”. In this conference over 150 scientists from 5 continents are participating.

“Bulgaria is the home of the springing water – claims prof. Polak – The concentration of thermal mineral waters here is unique. This is the reason why we are organizing our conference in a place, reach in water.”

How a glass of live-giving liquid is becoming an information copy of medical substance?

IC technology, which is already in practice, through ultra-low electromagnet irradiances creates and transfers in large distances IC information copies of medical substances that already exist.

Common computers are used as communication system and every person can use this information copy for way of treatment.

The user choses from internet site the needed ingredients for the treatment. After establishing connection with the special technical centre of IC information copies, the content of the chosen substance is “copying” on a regular CD disk in the recording device or directly from the keyboard by putting the CD on it.

Thereafter we put a glass of water on the CD and wait for 30 mins. After receiving this way the information copy, the water has the same effect on the organism as if we took the specific chemical substance.

The advantage of the information copies is that there are no side effects and contraindications. Loaded CD disk this way can be used approximately one month. Today the information centre of the project is contains 40 information copies of active substances.

Until now for the IC project 5000 clinical researches are made and in more than 90% the information copies have positive effect and improve people`s health. This is empiric technology and every new information copy of medical substance is clinical explored before being supplied to use by people.